How To Use
- Plates vary in size and cushions can be trimmed to fit any plate.
- The life of a cushion varies with the wearer however, we recommend that each cushions life should not exceed three days.
- To clean cushions, rinse in cold water and brush gently with tooth brush.
- If properly trimmed, these cushions may be used on partial dentures.
- Keep spare cushions in cool place.
- It is advisable to become accustomed to the Upper or Lower Denpad first, before using them both.

You can depend on Denpads Denture Cushions THEY HELP TO:
* Prevent dentures from moving or clicking.
* Ease sore spots on tender gums. Give comfort to those suffering from mouth ulcers, hypersensitive gums and hopelessly flat palates.
DENPADS are the real solution to that “uncomfotable in-between period” when false teeth wearers must persevere with a temporary denture until their gums have shrunken sufficiently for new dentures to be made.
DENPAD DENTURE CUSHIONS are specially processed to fit to the shape of any plate without sticking.
Instruction for Upper Plate
Hold plate with teeth downwards. Centre cushion in the plate ridge and using both thumbs mould it to the shape of the plate. Don’t let the cushion extend above the front edge of the plate. Should there be any overlapping, trim edges. Place plate with fitted cushion in mouth and bite teeth together for 2-3 minutes. The cushion will then be softened and perfectly shaped to your individual plate. If suction is required cut a hole in the middle 1 (one) cm in diameter.
Instruction for Lower Plate
Hold plate upside down and place cushion in the central ridge of the plate. Press it down firmly to mould it to the shape of the plate, trim any overlapping. Place plate with cushion in mouth as usual. Bite teeth firmly for 2-3 minutes without moving them. The natural heat of the mouth will shape the cushion on one side to your gum and on the other to your individual plate.
FOR EASIER FITTING and very tender gums the cushion can be more readily fitted by immersing in warm water for 2 or 3 seconds or by using some other moderate form of heat until flexible.